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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mob lynching an epidemic in our society!

Mob lynching an epidemic in our society!
Maha Media News Services
27 July 2019
Mob lynching has become an epidemic in our society and we can't ignore it now.  It is the duty of Central, as well as state governments to prevent such incidents. No one has right to take law in their hands and beat someone to death just in name of suspect of slaughtering-cow. Similarly, one can not be forced to say ‘Jai Shri Ram’ or other religious slogans for that matter. The increasing number of incidents of mob-lynching by fanatic people has become a matter of serious concern for all of us.
The Supreme Court on Friday sought responses from the Centre and all major states on a PIL seeking to fix accountability on them with regard to the implementation of the apex court's July 17, 2018 judgment laying down guidelines for police to prevent incidents of mob-lynching by cow vigilante groups.

The Supreme Court had slammed frequent mob lynching incidents and asked the governments to discharge their constitutional duty of maintaining law and order to ensure peace and preserve secular culture of our pluralistic society.
No doubt, cow and name of Lord Rama are sacred to many in the majority community of India. Because of dirty politics, ‘Jai Shri Ram’ has become a provocative war-cry today. We cannot deny the fact that over 254 religious identity-based hate crimes were reported between January 1, 2009 and October 29, 2018.
Recently, expressing serious concern over rising incidents of mob lynching, a delegation of 49 artists, social activists and filmmakers signed an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and demanded strict action (non-bailable, exemplary punishment) against those who found guilty of the crime.
To counter this, another delegation (comprising 62 members) of Bollywood also signed a letter and termed the previous delegation’s letter and their demand as ‘Selective Outrage and False Narratives’. Interestingly, the Bollywood delegation comprised of well-known personalities like CBFC chief  Prasoon Joshi, actor Kangana Ranaut, classical dancer Sonal Manshingh etc. It is clear that our artists, social activists and filmmakers are also divided on the issue. It seems that it is BJP versus non-BJP. And instead of paying attention to the core issue these social heroes are fighting for their ideology.
Saying ‘Jai Shri Ram’ is a matter of faith. Ordinarily, this is a recognized form of greeting, particularly in North India. No one has rights to force someone to say or chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’. In fact, ‘Jai Shri Ram’ is increasingly being used with a new aggression for political purpose these days.
Let be the chanting or saying ‘Jai Shri Ram’ a matter of faith and our lawmakers must understand this. Those who misuse the name of Rama just to get political advantage should read Tualasidas’ description of ‘Ram Rajya’, -who says  --
दैहिकदैविकभौतिक तापा। रामराज    कहुहि नहि व्यापा।।
सब नर करहि परस्पर  प्रीती। चलहि स्वधर्मनिरत श्रुतीरीती।।   
 (Daihik, devik, bhautik tapa, Ram Rajya kahuhi nahin vayapa,
sab nar karhin paraspar preeti,  chalahin svadharmanirat shruti riti)
(Nowhere in Ram Rajya could one fine a person who suffered from physical pain, spiritual or material disability, everyone lives with love and harmony and each follows their religion peacefully).
Therefore, it is important to condemn such incidents of mob lynching, not only for a violation of the law, but because it would hurt the sentiments of real Ram bhaktas and would bring disrespect to the Lord Rama.
We should also know that only making laws strict will not be sufficient. Every one knows that murder may punish a person with death sentence. But still large number of murders are done every year. People know that Indial Penal Code exists and there are provision of imprisonment for every crime, still thousands of crime are committed every day. We need to create coherence-sattwa in collective consciousness of the society, where only Satoguna prevents. No negativity emerges from any mind and heart. His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ji has given a scientifically proven Vedic Technology to prevent such mob negativity. Governments should adopt such techniques and prevent the mob lynching.

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